A poem wherein all topological and geographical references are metaphorical. The thought that traversed my mind while I was writing was the contrast between the children demonstrating about climate change and the Gilets Jaunes in France protesting about nothing at all and then being copied by British extreme right-wingers!
Hallowed Hill
Humble they hide onhallowed hill
From where they see their lives unfurled
Like flags that flutter at winter’s will
Ideas exist in this imaginary world
Phantom farmers reap their crops
Where dreams are made and time stands still
Their thoughts revolve like spinning tops
Let us grant to them perpetual peace
That stays beyond all human reach
Where warming winds will never cease
To blow across some sand-strewn beach
The flotsam and jetsam of learnèd life
Which newly grants itself a lease
To seek to combat all human strife
As those below in that vast valley
Of form likefearsome feeding trough
Where time has taken a terrible tally
Even hardy beings have endured enough
They wish to manifest themselves no more
And hide amidst street and shady alley
In sordid cities rotten to their core
Be not by dread dismay downtrodden
You who would universe unite
Pound the paths of pastures sodden
Prepare yourselves forpeaceful fight
Whence beauteous blood of logic flows
To grant ignorance its Armageddon
By knowledge that no boundary knows
And when the peace is finally won
Enlightened be those who seek the truth
Shadowed bysilent setting sun
Descending ranks of sallow youth
That future of all humankind
Healthy bodies in haste that run
Down hallowed hill tohealthy mind