Fame and Fortune

A rant about my fears that our obsession with celebrities is dumbing us down, or at least obscuring the real problems of society and, ultimately, diverting our attention from the true obsessions of our “leaders” with propagating perpetual war.


Fame and Fortune


Fame and fortune favour the few

Developing idols for the dispossessed

Who wish their lacklustre lives to eschew

Even rational men seem celebrity-obsessed

The desire to grant renown to some

Obscures the reality of what most citizens become:

The deprived; who are taxed for the benefit of the wealthy

Like doctors committed to curing the healthy


All this disguises the guilt of an elusive elite

Who choose leaders to keep their own grip on power

Calling for “world order” and “avoiding defeat”

Explaining from some distant ivory tower

That they’ll save us from a fate worse than death

By fighting until another nation’s last breath


And how they talk of their love for democracy

Whilst worshipping at the altar of autocracy

They propagate the continual hypocrisy

Of defending this new aristocracy

And announcing that evil empire repercussions

Justify rejection of all ceasefire discussions