Aah, Brexit!
Aah, Brexit – the gift that keeps on giving!
Dwell not upon opportunities lost
We should, apparently, be just thankful for living
And ignore all post-transition cost
For, unbeknown to us, our rights had been broken
By founding fathers far too foreign
Who fooled us with weird languages spoken
Whilst northern hordes bedecked of sporran
Refused to drink the aid called cool
Asking Leavers questions they found obscene
Despite mendacious meanderings of the blond-haired fool
And regardless of what was said on silver screen
Aah, Brexit – the gift that keeps on giving!
Supposed to stem the tide of immigration
It exchanged its supporters’ standards of living
For a lack of choice across the nation
Of goods on shelves and stocks in freezers
In supermarket, restaurant, and local shop
To please xenophobic loud-mouthed geezers
Who’ll refuse to work with bucket and mop
In conditions they think fit for only migrant others
Colonials who come across far-off seas
Bringing fathers and sisters, brothers and mothers
Worthier, we’re told, than EU transferees
Aah, Brexit the gift that keeps on giving!
Even when Leavers finally want it to cease
When they’re only trying to make a living
Or extend their fire-risk apartment’s lease
Those making promises who’d stop at little
To win their vote through referendum crime
With commitments worth less than a politician’s spittle
Ask you to give their Brexit much more time
Remainers, apparently, have had their day
Our frightful fate now most permanently sealed
In fifty years, or so, they say
The benefits of Brexit will be brazenly revealed
In the meantime, let’s agree that it’s neither done nor over
And reflect upon queues of trucks bound for Dover!