A poem
Prison Impressions
Today the sky is crystal blue
Not a single cloud obscures the view
It’s cold – I tremble in this cell
Fresh air chosen instead of warmth
Looking out upon Unit Three
Across the yard, there is little to see
But that red-brick block of a hundred cells
Outside rubbish piles, and a prisoner yells
On top, a translucent, semi-cylinder
Housing fans and lights for the landing
Amazing the rubbish thrown through the vents
Beyond the barbs of that ten-metre fence
I face, each morning, those two forlorn floors
And one of the few external doors
The officers arrive by ones and twos
Passing the disgusting detritus
Later some prisoners may be selected
To remove the filth by others rejected
And tomorrow the garbage will be there again
And there the perpetrators will remain
There is little with which they may be threatened
As Unit Three is already their punishment
Thus the demoralised prison staff
Can only do their jobs by half
There is, of course, a reason why
No-one even wants to try
To resolve a problem that could be solved
By the installation of different windows
For even if the benefits outweigh the expense
This could be interpreted as recompense
So my punishment is partially to observe
This theatre of the great absurd
Fortunately there are some animal scavengers
Picking amongst the bags and sheets
That give relief to this vision of sadness
And deflect me from some prison madness