Carlos Ghosn Update?

The failure in this article to mention his conditions of bail, previous periods of seemingly unjustified imprisonment and that he is barred from talking to his wife is worrying. The Financial Times seems to be shying away from the horrors of the Japanese judicial system as demonstrated by this case. Not covering these issues will only cause some long-term FT readers like myself to wonder about the pressures being placed on editorial staff but will also fuel concerns about the political nature of this investigation. The facts are not only yet to be judged but are evidently still being researched. Nevertheless, some commentators below seem to have had advance warning of the court’s guilty verdict. Maybe they would also care to inform us of what sentence he will be given. Could we have some coverage of the interview with Mrs Ghosn, please, just to give a little clarity?

Author: Danny Barrs

Proud to be European, Prison Poet, Humanist, Moderate Vegan, Republican in the UK sense. Music Lover: Schoenberg, Mahler, Boulez, Shostakovich amongst many others Fair weather cyclist, speed walker, amateur mathematician

2 thoughts on “Carlos Ghosn Update?”

  1. If you want my opinion, he’s got what he desservies. He’s been cheating, greedy for money and I hope he will pay for it. This is a froggy writing this ?

    1. Thank you for your comment, but:
      1. Est-ce que vous avez des preuves, ou ce sont simplement vos sentiments?
      Do you have any proof or is this just your feeling?
      2. Vous pensez vraiment qu’il mérite le traitement qu’il a reçu aux mains des autorités Japonaises jusqu’ici?
      Do you really think he merits the treatment that he has received from the Japonese authorities up to now?
      3. Est-ce que vous savez quelque chose qui n’a pas été écrite dans la presse ou dont je ne suis pas au courant?
      Do you know something that hasn’t been written in the press or which I am not aware?

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